
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Review: SEAL Brotherhood: Lucas

SEAL Brotherhood: Lucas by Sharon Hamilton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love a good SEAL romance and on the whole, I enjoyed this one! Lucas Shipley may be an ace SEAL able to make the correct decision when it can mean the difference between life or death, but when it comes to women he definitely skipped reading the book.
Lucas’ current situation consist of living in the equivalent of a SEAL frat house, sleeping on a couch and expecting a phone call any moment from his estranged wife Connie begging him to come back home, instead he gets served divorce paper and a call from his wife’s realtor Marcy Gelland who's tasked with liquidating their real estate, Marcy coolly requests his John Hancock on the dotted line.

When Marcy gets to know Lucas she discovers he’s nothing like the picture that Connie painted of him and when she and Lucas head up to Northern California, they end up in an ill-advised and poorly timed relationship.

When Lucas is summoned back to San Diego, he asks Marcy to retrieve some of his belongings from his remote cabin and a wrong turn close to a nearby terrorist training camp puts Marcy in the crosshairs of the terrorist organization. I really enjoyed the terrorist plotline in this story it was suspenseful, tense and kept my interest in the story high and that helped push this book to a 4-star rating.

What I didn’t like about the story was Lucas' soon to be ex-wife Connie’s character, she’s slightly unhinged and borderline abusive towards their child and it’s never adequately addressed by either Lucas or Marcy, in fact, I don’t recall there being any interaction in this story at all between Lucas and his child.

The production of Sharon Hamilton's audiobooks are always high-quality and J.D. Hart does an awesome job narrating, he really brings character and emotion to the story and his delivery is engaging in this 8-hour audiobook.

View all my reviews

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